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About Foundation of Computer Science

Foundation of Computer Science, FCS is a premier research organization which publishes international journals including International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) and International Journal of Applied Information Systems (IJAIS).
Founded by a group of intellectuals and researchers; and supported by prestigious organizations such as University of St Gallens, University of Karlsruhe, Georgetown University Library et. al, FCS strives to provide best publication opportunities to the research community.
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS) is one of the first publishers which have introduced the print-on-demand (POD) facility to the authors and readers. The journal print copies can be ordered as and when the need comes. Traditional subscription models were costlier for the individual researchers. The introduction of the POD model has tremendously reduced the cost of publication and print copies for the benefit of the individual researcher.
Rigorous peer review routines were introduced in the Foundation of Computer Science (FCS) journals from 2010 wherein each submitted articles are graded by two peer-reviewers and three journal reviewers.