are supported by advanced email recognition systems (ERS). The authors need to submit the papers via email which are thereafter automatically categorized and registered with the
sections. The authors are usually asked to submit the papers via email using a particular subject line in the email.
The authors must submit the papers in the DOC or DOCX formats. FCS editorial team will remove the author contact details before sending the paper for the blind peer-review process.
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS) has observed certain common traits in the submitted papers which needs to be observed before a researcher submits any paper.
- Mathematical Equations
The authors can use the features of Microsoft Equation or suitable software to create the formulae. Images of the formulae are not acceptable.
- Un-numbered figures
All the figures in the research paper must bear a figure number.
- Spell and grammar error
The typing and spelling errors such as "computaions" should be avoided. The paper must be proof-read by a third-person before submitting the paper with FCS Journals.
- Abstracts
The abstract must be professionally constructed. It should not start with “We”, “In this paper”, “Because” etc.
- Paper Template
The submitted paper must comply to the FCS paper templates. The headings and sub-headings must be numbered. Please refer to the "Call for Paper" sections of the respective FCS journals to obtain the paper templates.
- Insufficient References
Expand the list of references by adding more recent journal papers to include further data sources. Minimum of 15-20 references are necessary.
- Poor image quality
The images used in the papers must be of high resolution and must be clear. Try to develop original images. Use the Microsoft buid-in tools or any relevant open-source tools to develop the images.Vector images should be used in research papers. The images need not be colorful.
- Poor quality graphs
The x-axis and y-axis labels of the graphs must be clear. The labels used within the graph must not be truncated.The author should try to import the graph directly from MS Excel or other tools rather than converting the graph into a bit-map image. The latter reduces the quality of the graph.
- Animated graphics
Do not use too much color and animated graphics in a research paper.
- Reference
Isolated website references such as must not be used. The reference must be accompanied with relevant information regarding the source.
- Title
The title of the paper must be improved. The current title is trivial.
- Consistency
Different fonts and sizes are used throughout the paper.