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FCS Journals, IJCA and IJAIS are recognized and included in prestigious academic databases such as Google Scholar, Informatics, ProQuest CSA Technology Research Database, EBSCO, NASA ADS, ScientificCommons (Univ. of St Gallens), University of Karlsruhe, Germany, Georgetown University Library. Active efforts are ongoing to include the bibliographies on British Library, Scopus and DBLP.

FCS articles are archived according to leading industry standards. FCS participates in LOCKSS, one of the respected independent archives of scholarly journals. LOCKSS, based at Stanford University Libraries, is an international community initiative that provides libraries with digital preservation tools and support so that they can easily and inexpensively collect and preserve their own copies of authorized e-content. LOCKSS, in its eleventh year, provides libraries with the open-source software and support to preserve today’s web-published materials for tomorrow’s readers while building their own collections and acquiring a copy of the assets they pay for, instead of simply leasing them. LOCKSS provides 100% post cancellation access.